Legality of Sex Dolls Around the World
Data update time In April 2024
Legality of Sex Dolls Around the World
You are advised to use [CTRL+F] on this page to search, enter the country and click "search", green indicates legal, yellow indicates special requirements, red indicates illegal.
The legal status of sex dolls varies by country. Below is a list of countries with their respective legality status on sex dolls.
Countries Where Sex Dolls Are Legal
Aland Islands | Dominican Republic | Liechtenstein | Samoa |
Albania | Ecuador | Lithuania | San Marino |
Andorra | El Salvador | Luxembourg | Sao Tome And Principe |
Angola | Equatorial Guinea | Macao | Senegal |
Anguilla | Eritrea | Macedonia, Republic Of | Serbia |
Antigua And Barbuda | Estonia | Madagascar | Seychelles |
Argentina | Ethiopia | Malawi | Sierra Leone |
Armenia | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | Mali | Singapore |
Aruba | Faroe Islands | Malta | Sint Maarten |
Austria | Fiji | Martinique | Slovakia |
Bahamas | Finland | Mauritania | Slovenia |
Barbados | France | Mauritius | Solomon Islands |
Belarus | French Guiana | Mayotte | South Africa |
Belgium | French Polynesia | Moldova, Republic of | South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands |
Belize | French Southern Territories | Monaco | South Korea |
Benin | Gabon | Mongolia | South Sudan |
Bermuda | Gambia | Montenegro | Spain |
Bhutan | Georgia | Montserrat | Sri Lanka |
Bolivia | Germany | Morocco | St. Vincent |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | Ghana | Mozambique | Sudan |
Bosnia And Herzegovina | Gibraltar | Myanmar | Suriname |
Botswana | Greece | Namibia | Svalbard And Jan Mayen |
Bouvet Island | Greenland | Nauru | Swaziland |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Grenada | Nepal | Sweden |
Brunei | Guadeloupe | Netherlands | Switzerland |
Bulgaria | Guatemala | Netherlands Antilles | Taiwan |
Burkina Faso | Guernsey | New Caledonia | Tanzania, United Republic Of |
Burundi | Guinea | New Zealand | Thailand |
Cambodia | Guinea Bissau | Nicaragua | South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands |
Cape Verde | Guyana | Niger | Togo |
Cayman Islands | Haiti | Nigeria | Tokelau |
Central African Republic | Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands | Niue | Tonga |
Chad | Honduras | Norfolk Island | Trinidad and Tobago |
Chile | Hong Kong | Panama | Turkey |
China | Hungary | Papua New Guinea | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Christmas Island | Iceland | Paraguay | Tuvalu |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Ireland | Peru | Uganda |
Colombia | Isle Of Man | Philippines | Ukraine |
Comoros | Israel | Pitcairn | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Congo | Italy | Poland | United States of America |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of The | Jamaica | Portugal | Uruguay |
Cook Islands | Japan | Republic of Cameroon | Vanuatu |
Costa Rica | Jersey | Reunion Island | Vatican City |
Côte d’Ivoire | Kenya | Romania | Venezuela |
Croatia | Kiribati | Russia | Vietnam |
Cuba | Korea, Democratic People’s Republic Of | Rwanda | Virgin Islands, British |
Curaçao | Kosovo | Saint Barthélemy | Wallis And Futuna |
Cyprus | Kyrgyzstan | Saint Helena | Western Sahara |
Czech Republic | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | Saint Kitts And Nevis | Zambia |
Denmark | Latvia | Saint Lucia | Zimbabwe |
Djibouti | Lesotho | Saint Martin | |
Dominica | Liberia | Saint Pierre And Miquelon | |
Countries where sex dolls are legal (Special instructions)
Country |
Legality Status |
Notes |
United Kingdom |
Legal |
Over 125 cm |
Australia |
Legal |
Over 158 cm height |
Canada |
Legal |
Prohibited to own or ship child-like
sex dolls |
Norway |
Over 125 cm |
Countries Where Sex Dolls Are Illegal
Afghanistan |
Indonesia |
Malaysia |
Somali |
Algeria |
Iran |
Maldives |
Syria |
Azerbaijan |
Iraq |
Mexico |
Tajikistan |
Bahrain |
Jordan |
Oman |
Tunisia |
Bangladesh |
Kazakhstan |
Pakistan |
Brazil |
Kuwait |
Palestine |
Uzbekistan |
Egypt |
Lebanon |
Qatar |
Yemen |
India |
Libya |
Saudi Arabia |
Are mini-sex dolls legal all around the world? The majority of countries accept the use and ownership of sex dolls. However, they are prohibited in Middle Eastern countries and every Islamic country.
Are there age restrictions for owning sex dolls? There are no specific age restrictions in countries that allow the use and ownership of sex dolls, but cultural and societal norms should be considered.
Can I legally purchase and own a love doll in the US? Sex dolls are legal in all US states, though it's recommended to check state-specific regulations before purchasing.
Why are sex dolls legal in some and not other countries? Legality can depend on privacy rights, liberal state views, and the right to personal choice.
Are fake sex dolls legal? Selling counterfeit sex dolls is illegal as it infringes on the intellectual property rights of legitimate manufacturers.